Focus & Expertise

Sustainable Growth

We develop our initiatives keeping in mind the present and the future needs of our communities.

Diversity - Equity - Inclusion

Recognize and respect everyone's unique qualities and attributes.
Fair and respectful treatment of all people.
All individuals feel respected, accepted and valued.

Community Development

We support our community members to identify and take collective action on issues which are important to them.

Social Activities

Through the development of social activities, we bring the communities together and give an opportunity to all members to contribute by transferring their knowledge from one generation to the other.

Women’s Economic Empowerment

We are committed to promote WEE, and help women contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognise the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth.

Inclusive Technology

We rely on technological developments and inovative ideas to create space for the development of the underserved members of the community.

Positive Development Partnership mission is to support & promote sustainable economic growth, women’s and youth economic empowerment, and gender equity, by focusing on social & economic causes, through community development projects and social activities. 

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Economic slowdown likely to force workers to accept lower-quality jobs

The current global economic slowdown is likely to force more workers to accept lower quality, poorly paid jobs that lack job security and social protection, so accentuating inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new International Labour Organization (ILO) report. The ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 (WESO Trends), also projects that global employment growth will be only 1.0 percent in 2023, less than half the level in 2022. Global unemployment is slated to rise slightly in 2023, by around 3 million, to 208 million (corresponding to a global unemployment rate of 5.8 percent). The moderate size of this projected increase is largely due to the tight labour supply in high-income countries. This would mark a reversal of the decline in global unemployment seen between 2020-2022. It means that global unemployment will remain 16 million above the pre-crisis benchmark (set in 2019).

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